

Efficient rainwater management

The Coerco Flo-Tank® is a modular tank structural system that aims to capture rainwater at the source and release it in a controlled manner, based on soil permeability levels.  

It is an innovative and efficient solution for rainwater management and storage. With its modular design, adaptability to terrain, and high storage capacity, it makes for a versatile option for a variety of applications, ranging from small residential projects to large-scale industrial operations. 




Features and Benefits: 

  • Modular: The modular design of the Coerco Flo-Tank® makes it easy to assemble and install and structurally strong. 
  • Low-Maintenance: Aside from ease of assembly, its modular design requires less upkeep, saving you from unnecessary downtime costs.  
  • High Infiltration Rate: Coerco's tanks quickly absorb water, cleaning it for reuse and returning it to the environment, ideal for managing stormwater in any soil. 
  • Terrain Adaptability: The system's modular design allows for the construction of water reservoirs of any capacity, shape, and depth, which are adaptable to the terrain and geometry of the project. 
  • PVC/Polyethylene Cover Options: Covering the outer surface of the tank with either PVC or Polyethylene membranes allows for the creation of watertight underground volumes, enabling the storage of water for future use in irrigation, commercial, residential, or industrial reuse, as well as firefighting networks. 
  • Alternate Water Sustaining Methods: The Coerco Flo-Tank® provides an alternative and sustainable method for the storage and management of water, which can be dynamic and profitable. 
  • High Water Storage Capacity: The system's high storage and buffer capacities make it a viable solution for various applications, such as in the agriculture, construction, or industrial sectors.  
  • Eco-Friendly: The technology can also be utilised in residential or commercial settings, further contributing to water conservation and the protection of the environment.  



  • Infiltration / absorption tanks
  • Rainwater collection tanks  
  • Rainwater retention / Attenuation tanks / In-situ retention (O.S.D) 
  • Underground rainwater channels 
  • Underground drainage
  • Light structural fill 


Flo-Screen® Filtration Unit

The Flo-Screen® filtration units are designed to remove vegetation matter and silt from rooftops and stormwater pits, ensuring that only clean, filtered water enters the Coerco tank system. 



Flo-Screen® Small
Part Number 60002 - Single Inlet Pipe Suitable for flow situations of 12 L/sec
Size (H) 480mm x (W) 450mm



Flo-Screen® Large
Part Number 60003 - Multiple Pipe Inlet Suitable for flow situations of 20 L/sec
Size (H) 880mm x (W) 680mm




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